Saturday, October 5, 2013

Lunch For The Kiddies

For the last two months my children have been bugging me for a Lunch Box. While I don't mind buying this for them I pride myself on finding deals, and when I say deals I don't mean paying $20-$40 for a lunch box. I'm BROKE! There I said it, point blank and then the period! So a deal to me is less than $20. So I shop around and surf the net to look for anything that I can find for a cheap price. I also like to compare prices that I find at already discount store like Fred's, Walmart, and the Dollar store so if I can find a deal for what I might spend at one of these store (shipping included or within a dollar or two) I'm coming out on top! I have two children ages 9 and 12 and again I don't make a lot of money so I look for sales and clearance items. I also try to utilize coupon codes and discounts to get the best bang for my hard earned buck!

On one of the Celebrity Blog sites I use daily Tmz and Mediatakeout I encountered a pop-up for Zulily. There I found the cutest totes and lunch bags for an affordable price! They come in different shades and patterns for both boys and girls. and when I say affordable, I mean affordable!Prices start at $7.99 and go up to @21.99. With prices like that I can get both my kids a bag and still have money in my pocket to actually fill it with food! And something health not one of those nasty little Lunchables, not the good updated ones but those old ones that they first came out with. You know the ones with the wet circle meat and square cheese!

Now I haven't made a purchase from Zulily  before but I have looked at multiple things on the site. They also sale regular and plus sized women's clothing, and clothing for children. They also give shipping for a year for $49 and a refer a friend program that gives you $15 for the referral and $5 to the friend. You can also chose to pay with Paypal or a Credit Card just like with most purchases.  But all and all I think this is a good purchase. And I will let you all know on a later blog, how well I was (or wasn't ) please with the purchase.

And that is LaJaunda's Word!

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